Hoghead Harris Plays the Blues

Written by Ken Mask

Based on a character created by Hoghead Harris himself


Recently released bluesman Hoghead Harris arrives on the scene and asks “What happened to America?”


Having spent the past 30 years in federal prison for securities fraud, the supremely talented Hoghead Harris arrives on the NYC music scene to a large eager fan base. His skills have only skyrocketed from an already lofty platform. However he is reluctant to restart, having followed the destruction of America. The cultural, artistic and general posture of our nation disappoints the genius to the degree that he is hesitant to participate.

His long time love interest urges him to first handle a piece of business: finding the people who set him up, cemented his incarceration and has his(their) billions.

Madness and mayhem will only be doused with a dose of the blues.